Friday, September 24, 2010

Week 6

The Ring Ceremony and Run went so well today! The kids did a great job and had a ton of fun. Our own Megan got 3rd place in the race even after being sick for the last couple of days! What a trooper!

Our Writing Boot Camp went so smoothly this year. The kids learned all about ways to improve their writing by including figurative language and powerful verbs. I was very impressed by how quickly they picked up and understood these skills, and I am excited to see them use them in the weeks to come!

There are several important events coming up this week that you need to know about.  As always, please let me know if you have any questions.

1.  Vertical schedule begins this week.  For those new to the Academy, this means that the kids will go to Specials and lunch with kids from all grades from the Azul team.  Click here to view my vertical plan.

2.  Tuesday will be our Movie Night to raise money for the Austin/San Antonio trip.  (Kate and Carter have done a great job advertising this all week on the announcements!)  Remember, to benefit from the money raised, you must participate and volunteer your time in some way.  Tracy Buzzard ( and Stacey Henry ( from Mrs. Mogk's class are two of the parents helping organize this experience.  If you have emailed me, I have forwarded your information on to them.  If they haven't contacted you yet, you might try emailing them directly.  If you haven't emailed me yet but want to participate, contact them and see where you can serve.

The Movie Night activities will last from 3:30-5:30.  We are asking the kids/parents to pay $5 to watch the movie and eat chips, salsa, chili, and popcorn.  (That's pretty cheap child care if you ask me!)  We have decided not to charge any entry fee for our chili and salsa participants since such a fee might discourage participants.  Remember that the Book Fair Family Night begins at 5:30, so you can go directly from the movie to the book fair!

3.  School ends at 11:45 on Wednesday!  Please make arrangements to pick up your child at this time.  Teachers will be in meetings the entire afternoon, (which is the reason for the early release).

4.  Portfolios will go home Thursday.  Please look at the pieces your child has chosen to include in the portfolio, return everything back in the folder, and complete the feedback form with your child.

5.  Over the next two weeks I will be doing QRI testing with your child.  These are the tests to determine your child's reading level and fluency.  As soon as I have the results, I will communicate them to you.

6.  On this week's Homework Menu, your child will have a 2-week reading assignment.  In lieu of doing a traditional book report, your child will create some type of project about the best book he/she read so far this year.  Please help your child pace him/herself over the next two weeks so that he/she has adequate time to produce quality work.

The spelling activity on the Homework Menu is still due this Friday.

7.  The second payment for the Austin/San Antonio trip was due today.  If you have not paid yet, please get this money to me a.s.a.p.  The final payment will be due in 2 weeks.  The amount due will depend on your participation in the Movie Night fundraiser.  As soon as I have those numbers, I will let you know.

8.  Your child should be finishing his/her fourth book this weekend. Remember, all books must be posted on the wikispace for your child to receive credit.

HELPFUL HINT: Some parents are having their kids type their information in a Word document first. They are then copying and pasting the information on the wiki and/or the blog so that there is less chance of losing what they have written.

9.  If your child has not posted on the blog yet, he/she needs to do so by Sunday.  The new question will be up by Sunday.