Saturday, December 11, 2010

Week 16

Only one week left! (Can you believe it?) This week will be filled with assemblies, assessments, and parties. It's going to be fun! Also, this Wednesday I have my sonogram to (hopefully) find out if I'm having a boy or girl!  I'm going out of my mind with anticipation!

Here are the big events:

1)  This week's homework menu is due this Friday. The kids just need to finish creating their dioramas. I can't wait to see what they produce!

2)  Our Christmas party is Thursday at 2:00. Please remember that each child needs to bring a book for the book exchange we will be doing that day. Here are the directions again that Mrs. Downs sent you: For the gifts, the students will have a random book exchange.  The teachers have asked that the students choose a new, grade-appropriate, book that costs no more than $5.00.  Please wrap the book and label it “from a boy, to a boy” or “from a girl, to a girl”.  Send the wrapped book the week of the Party.  The gifts will then be exchanged through a game that will be played at the party.

3)  Friday is an early release day! Please make arrangements to pick up your child at 11:45 that day.

4)  We are still having some problems with tardies, but the numbers are decreasing. Thank you for getting your child to school as close to 7:35 as possible.

5)  Students should post their 14th book on the wikispace this week. The students will not be assigned additional reading over the Break, so the two weeks off should be a great time for your child to get caught up and/or ahead.

6)  Every week more children are mastering their timed math drills!  I am so proud of their hard work. If your child still has not mastered all 4 areas, please help him/her practice daily. Remember, there are printable drills on my website to help out.

7)  We will not have a blog question for the kids this week.

8)  We are finishing up assessments for report cards this week. It is extremely important that your child is here each day this week.

9)  Our OUTDOOR Christmas Assembly is Friday at 10:00. Kids can wear jeans and a red shirt that day.