Saturday, April 2, 2011

Week 29

Good morning! I'm about to head out to Oklahoma again for our first baby shower, but I wanted to get this out to you before I leave. I hope you have a terrific week!

Here's the news!

1) 5th grade will be doing their TAKS Monday and Tuesday this week. In an effort to keep the school quiet, we will be doing a lot of sitting on the floor so our chairs won't make so much noise sliding around. Your child may bring one pillow to sit on both days if he/she wishes. Please do not send blankets or oversized pillows, and remember that the pillows might get a little dirty since they will be on the floor all day.

2) This week's homework menu is ready. Let me know if you have limited Internet availability at home, and I will print off questions for your child.

3) Many students did not answer last week's blog question yet. This is completely my fault since I failed to remind them all week. If your child did not answer the Week 28 blog question, he/she needs to do so this week.

4)  Students need to post their 26th book on the wiki this week.

5) If you have not sent back your child's report card yet, please do so a.s.a.p.