Saturday, November 13, 2010

Week 13

Good morning!  I don't know if this week could possibly be any busier, so let's just jump right into it.  

Here's what you need to know:

1) It’s time for Student Led Conferences! I am eager to sit down with you and your child so we can all celebrate your child’s progress and set goals for the rest of fourth grade. On December 2nd, someone will be covering my class, and I will be scheduling conferences to meet throughout this day. Monday I will be sending home the list of times available, or you can click here to view it now. Rather than sending this letter back to me with marked times, I am going to accept “conference requests” via email. As of 8:30 a.m. Tuesday, November 16th, you may send me an email requesting your top 3 times. I will schedule conferences on a first-come, first-serve basis. After I receive your email requests, I will send a reply email a.s.a.p. letting you know if I was able to schedule one of your requested times or if I need you to choose another available time. Please note that emails received before 8:30 will be considered after all other requests have come in. 

2) This week's homework menu simply requires your child to pack for our trip. These kids are definitely old enough to actively participate in the packing process, so please allow them to use the checklist provided to get their bags ready. 

3) Tuesday is our Math Checkpoint test for the district. We will take care of this first thing Tuesday morning and will spend the rest of the day preparing for the trip. I will communicate the results of all 3 Checkpoint tests (reading, science, and math) at your child's conference on Dec. 2nd.

4) We will load buses Wednesday at 5:15 in front of the Academy. Please do not get on the bus until all of the teachers arrive. Your child should be wearing his/her pink Run for the Rings shirt and Academy bottoms, jeans, or finger-tip length jean shorts. We will be pulling out of the school by 5:45, so please don't be late. Click here to review the Trip Information form again and to see the latest Itinerary. 

5) One thing I want to remind all of the parents before we leave is that this trip is a learning experience for the kids. The students will be required to work on their journals throughout the trip. It is important to remember that the kids, not the adults, should be writing in the journals. Also, the Itinerary clearly explains which pages of the journal the kids should be working on at each point of the trip. Please help make sure your child has completed these requirements before finding recreational activities to fill his/her time.

6) Your child must bring some type of camera to use on the trip (regular or disposable). The pictures he/she takes will go into the final journals the students will be completing in class. Over the Thanksgiving Break, you need to develop or print off the pictures your child wants to include in his/her journal. We will be using these as soon as we return from the Break, so it is important to find time during the week off to take care of this task.

7) Friday is Turkey Bowl! The festivities should kick off at 1:30 in the back of the school on the Circle. This ridiculous event should be a blast! Thank you to each of the families who have sent canned goods for this.

8) Thanksgiving Break is next week! Enjoy the well-deserved week off! If your child is behind with his/her reading, this week is a great opportunity to catch up!

9) Your child should have posted his/her 11th book on the wikispace this week.

10) Your child should have posted a response to the Week 12 question on the blog this week. We will not have a blog question for this week.

Finally, I want to thank Mrs. Miller who helped sort the new t-shirts for the trip. She spent an afternoon dividing the shirts up among the classes, and her time and efforts are so appreciated!

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