Saturday, January 29, 2011

Week 21

Good morning! I just wanted to take a moment to thank a few people who have helped out lately. Thank you to Mrs. Foster for the wonderful baby towels and washcloths. We will definitely make use of them! Thank you also to Mrs. Bagley and Mrs. Miller who stopped by yesterday to help out with the pizza party. Things like that are so much easier with another set of hands on deck. I appreciate each of these women tremendously!

Here is the news:

1) Like last week, the kids will be writing an essay for their Homework Menu item. The Writing TAKS is now 5 weeks away, and we want the kids to be as prepared as possible. Because these assignments understandably take longer, the kids will not have a second assignment or a blog question for the week.

2) Dads and Doughnuts is this Friday from 6:50-7:30. This is a fun time for the kids to bond with their dads while eating some delicious, fat-filled snacks! If you did not buy tickets last week, contact the office to see what you need to do.

3) Kids should now have 18 books posted on the wiki. Congrats to Kate who is the first child to successfully complete all 30 books from the required genres! What an accomplishment!

4) The kids have decided that they want to be the first class to beat the 4-minute timers in all math operations. The kids are pumped about this goal and want to accomplish it before any other class can beat the 5-minute timers. (A little pizza can sure make a group of kids aim high!) I am excited to see that they are all continuing to improve and are putting for their best effort even after reaching their original goal. Remember, there are printable drills and games on my website your child can access at any time.

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