Saturday, March 5, 2011

Week 26

The kids worked so hard on their Writing TAKS this week! I couldn't be prouder of them for taking their time and using all of the strategies they have learned this year. It will be a long couple of months waiting for the results, but I am satisfied that above all else the students did their best. They have grown tremendously since the beginning of 4th grade, and I am excited to include their beginning-of-the-year essays with their end-of-the-year essays in the next portfolio so that you can see their progress.

Thank you to all of the parents who helped make breakfast for the students and to those who wrote letters of encouragement this week. The students were thrilled by both gestures. Your actions have blessed our class, and you are truly appreciated.

Here's what you need to know about this week:

1) This week in class we will be creating several decorations for World Party. Please send an old, large T-shirt on Monday your child can use this week to protect his/her clothing from paint.

2) There is no new Homework Menu for this week. Students should continue working on their World Party projects that they began last week. The kids used their computer lab time this week to gather their facts for their projects, so all that should be left is putting the project together. Don't forget, these projects are due Tuesday, not Friday. If your child finishes this weekend, feel free to send it early on Monday.

3) Wednesday we will have a district Reading Checkpoint.

4) World Party will be Thursday evening from 6:00-7:30. This is a tremendously fun and interesting time where you and your child can go from class to class to find out information about cultures from around the world. The kids love this event, and they always learn a lot.

5) Speaking of World Party, please let me know if you would like to volunteer to bring a Kenyan food dish to be served Thursday evening. Below are several sites with recipes you can try. (Feel free to look around other sites, too!) Also, we could just use several bananas cut into thirds or fourths to offer that evening. You can receive volunteer hours for your cooking/preparation time, (or if you just go buy something, you can receive half an hour of volunteer time).
6) Friday will be a Vertical Schedule day. We will use this time to rotate through our vertical classes to learn about the countries represented in each room.

7) Students may wear jeans Friday if they bring a donation for Relay for Life. (This is all the information I have right now about this, but I will let the kids know more when I get further info.)

8) Spring Break is next week! Enjoy your time with your family!

9) Students should post their 23rd book this week on the wiki. If you child is behind, Spring Break should be a great opportunity to catch up!

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