Saturday, March 26, 2011

Week 28

I feel like everything is flying by so quickly now. We only have one Nine Weeks remaining of school, and my little Kennedy is due in less than 7 weeks. I cannot believe that the finish line is already in sight for both of these events! I am encouraged by how well the kids are doing overall and how they are all working so hard to achieve the goals they have set for themselves for this year.

Please read below to see this week's major events:

1) Report cards go home Monday. As much work as these new report cards mean for the teachers, I must say that I really do love the specific feedback that they provide for the parents. My hope, especially now as the Math and Reading TAKS move closer, is that you will look over these objectives and help your child focus specifically on areas of weakness over the next few weeks.

Also, please remember that the overall scores you will see are cumulative grades. To get an M, students must have Ms in at least 90% of the objectives for the entire year without even one T for the subject.

2) This week's Homework Menu is now ready. There are 2 options to help your child practice for the upcoming Math TAKS. The first option walks your child step-by-step through the different math skills and objectives he/she needs to know for the TAKS test. This is a great review of the concepts we have covered so far and it includes interactive practice questions with immediate feedback. The second option is simply on online practice Math TAKS. It is a great option to help your child review what has been learned and to see the types of questions and wording that he/she should expect on the real test at the end of April. I have attached this option as a pdf on my website for students who don't have regular Internet access and want to print it out. Both options require your child to spend 45 minutes total practicing, but this time can be split up over several days.

3) Your child needs to answer the Week 28 blog question this week. 

4) This week students should post their 25th book on the wikispace. As a class, the students have almost read 500 books this year! At our faculty meeting this week we talked about the successes we are seeing with this initiative, and it really is mind-blowing to see how the reading skills the kids are developing are overflowing into every other corner of their education. Again, thank you for all you are doing to help your child meet these goals.

5) The 3rd Nine Weeks Awards Assembly will be Friday at 8:00. If your child will receive an award, I will email you today to let you know so you can make arrangements to be there if possible.

Have a great week!

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